Apama 10.15.4 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | Monitoring Adapter Status | Application interface
Application interface
The IAFStatusManager.mon file defines the event interface between it and a consumer of an adapter's status information, which is usually an adapter's service monitor. The application interface can be used to communicate status information to both the adapter's service monitors as well as Apama applications.
The application interface events are either input events or output events. Input events are sent from a consumer of adapter status information to the IAFStatusManager. Output events are sent from the IAFStatusManager to a consumer of adapter status information.
Input events
The IAFStatusManager is a subscription-based interface. This means that a consumer of adapter status information (such as an application service monitor) needs to send the input events listed below to register or deregister as a consumer for adapter status information.
The IAFStatusManager defines the following input events:
*The AdapterStatusRegister event is sent by a client that is interested in receiving status events from the specified codec and transport. The fields of this event uniquely identify a subscription.
Once a subscription is made to the IAFStatusManager, the IAFStatusManager periodically receives information from the adapter and begins sending status information to the registered consumer in the form of output events (see below).
*The AdapterStatusDeregister event is sent by a client that wants to remove its subscription for status events.
See the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more details on the IAFStatusManager and the above events.
Output events
Once a consumer of status information (such as an application service monitor) is registered with the IAFStatusManager, it begins to receive status information in the form of IAFStatusManager output events. Output events include connection information, adapter availability, and any custom information put into the dictionary by the transport or codec. For more information about adding custom information, see Connections and other custom properties.
The IAFStatusManager defines the following output events:
*The AdapterUp event is used to notify registered clients that the specified adapter process is running.
*The AdapterError event is used to notify registered clients that there is a problem with the subscription.
*The ConnectionOpened event is used to notify registered clients that a connection between the adapter and the external system it communicates with has successfully been established.
*The ConnectionClosed event is used to notify registered clients that a connection between the adapter and the external system it communicates with has been closed.
See the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more details on the IAFStatusManager and the above events.