Apama 10.15.4 | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Correlator Utilities Reference | Configuring the correlator | Setting up connections between correlators in a YAML configuration file
Setting up connections between correlators in a YAML configuration file
Rather than separately invoking the engine_connect tool, you can also define connections between correlators during correlator startup. These connections are defined as a list of entries in the engineConnect section of the YAML configuration file. For example:
- sourceHost: localhost
sourcePort: ${FIRST_PORT}
- myChannel
mode: parallel
disconnectIfSlow: false
- sourceHost: localhost
sourcePort: ${SECOND_PORT}
- myChannel
mode: parallel
disconnectIfSlow: true
The above elements correspond to command-line options of the engine_connect tool and have the same syntax and options. See the descriptions of these command-line options in Configuring pipelining with engine_connect for detailed information, but keep in mind that only the options shown in the above example are supported.
On startup, the configuration specified in the engineConnect section always uses the current correlator as the target correlator. Unlike the engine_connect tool, you cannot explicitly specify an arbitrary target correlator with engineConnect.
On startup, engineConnect is not available to correlators running in persistent mode.
Unlike the engine_connect tool, when the mode is not specified for an entry in the engineConnect YAML, the default mode is parallel, meaning that there is one connection for each specified channel.