Apama 10.15.4 | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Correlator Utilities Reference | Configuring the correlator | Configuring persistence in a YAML configuration file
Configuring persistence in a YAML configuration file
You can enable and configure correlator persistence in the following ways:
*Using a YAML configuration file as described here.
*On the command line, using the persistence options of the correlator executable. See Starting the correlator for more information on these options.
On the command line, the persistence options are given as -Poption=value.
In a configuration file, they are given as follows:
    option: value
All of persistence options for the command line can also be specified in a configuration file. Special notations are required for the following options:
*-P without further options or -Penabled=true enables persistence. In a configuration file, this is specified as follows:
enabled: true
*-Pclear does not have a value; it is implicitly set to true. In a configuration file, this is specified as follows:
clear: true
The following is a list of all the options that you can specify in a configuration file:
*enabled: boolean
*snapshotIntervalMillis: interval
*adjustSnapshot: boolean
*storeLocation: path
*storeName: filename
*clear: boolean
The following sample shows the format of a YAML configuration file that is used to specify the persistence options:
enabled: true
snapshotIntervalMillis: 12000
storeLocation: ${PARENT_DIR}/store
storeName: mystore.db
clear: false
For detailed information on correlator persistence, see Using Correlator Persistence and especially its subtopic Enabling correlator persistence which provides more information on the different persistence options.