Apama 10.15.4 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The HTTP Server Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Serving static files
Serving static files
The HTTP server allows you to serve static files from disk. You can list the static file URI which will be available using a GET request, and it will be served by that file. GET requests that match a static file do not get passed into the correlator.
Static file requests do not go through the checks that all other requests go through, which are:
*Transport status (host ready)
*HTTP basic authentication
*Allowed methods
*Maximum request size
You must list static files individually in the configuration file, and you must provide the MIME type of the file being served. Optionally, you can also provide the charset type.
file: ${PARENT_DIR}/swagger.json
contentType: application/json
charset: utf-8