Apama 10.15.4 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Overview of Developing Apama Applications | About Apama projects | Console view
Console view
The Console view displays information concerning a running Apama application. An application can have several consoles:
*Correlator — Displays output from the correlator.
*Engine Inject —Displays initialization information injected to the correlator.
*Engine Send — Displays information from Apama components that stream data to the correlator.
*Correlator Initialization — Displays information about the correlator initialization including the Java files, and the .mon files (monitors) that have been injected and the .evt files (events) that have been sent and whether the actions succeeded or failed.
To view one of these consoles, click the drop-down arrow of the Display Selected Console button Display Selected Console button with drop-down arrow and select the console you want.