Package com.apama.cumulocity

Event summary
AlarmRepresents an alarm, used to indicate a warning or error associated with a specific source managed object such as when the temperature of a fridge increases above a particular threshold.
ApplicationSubscribedForTenantNotification received when a tenant is subscribed to the current application.
ApplicationUnsubscribedForTenantNotification received when a tenant is unsubscribed from the current application.
AutoConcurrentConnectionA connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle most requests concurrently to improve performance.
CumulocityRequestInterfaceLow-level interface for connecting to Cumulocity and sending requests.
CurrentUserUsed in the GetCurrentUserResponse event to represent user data.
ErrorNotification from Cumulocity when an error has occurred.
EventCumulocity events (not to be confused with Apama events) are used to pass real-time information through Cumulocity IoT, for example when something happens in the sensor network, or when a security audit event is logged.
EventDeletedNotification from Cumulocity when a Cumulocity event was deleted.
FindAlarmFinds alarms, searching on source, status and type.
FindAlarmResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a FindAlarm request, sent for each matching Alarm. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindAlarmResponseAckResponse from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for alarms. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindEventFinds Cumulocity events, searching on source, status and type.
FindEventResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a FindEvents request, sent for each matching Event. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindEventResponseAckResponse from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for events. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindManagedObjectFinds managed objects (typically devices).
FindManagedObjectResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a FindManagedObject request, sent for each matching ManagedObject. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindManagedObjectResponseAckResponse from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for managed objects. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindMeasurementFinds measurements, searching on source, type, fragmentType.
FindMeasurementResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a FindMeasurement request, sent for each matching Measurement. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindMeasurementResponseAckResponse from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for measurements. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindOperationFinds operations, searching on source, status, fragmentType and agent.
FindOperationResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a FindOperation request, sent for each matching Operation. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindOperationResponseAckResponse from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for operations. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FindTenantOptionsFinds tenant options, searching on system, category and key.
FindTenantOptionsResponseResponse from Cumulocity containing requested tenant options. The system creates this event; an application author is not allowed to do this.
FullyConcurrentConnectionA connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle all requests concurrently to improve performance.
GenericRequestGeneric requests can be sent to Cumulocity to allow any request in the Cumulocity REST API, using a REST URL and query string parameters.
GenericResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a GenericRequest. Zero or more GenericResponse events are sent by Cumulocity for each GenericRequest on the GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel, followed by a GenericResponseComplete.
GenericResponseCompleteResponse from Cumulocity after the last GenericResponse event for a given request.
GeoFenceContainerGeofence helper utilities.
GeoFencePointRepresents the coordinates of the geofence point (longitude and latitude).
GetAllTenantsSubscribedToApplicationRequest all tenants subscribed to the current application.
GetCurrentUserRequests details about the current user.
GetCurrentUserResponseResponse from Cumulocity to a GetCurrentUser request. Contains required user details. Subscribe to GetCurrentUserResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL to listen for this event.
GetCurrentUserResponseFailedResponse to a failed GetCurrentUser request. Contains the error that occured while fetching the user details. Subscribe to GetCurrentUserResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL to listen for this event.
ManagedObjectRepresents a Cumulocity managed object (typically a device).
ManagedObjectDeletedNotification from Cumulocity when a managed object was deleted.
MeasurementRepresents a measurement associated with a managed object.
MeasurementDeletedNotification from Cumulocity when a measurement was deleted.
MeasurementFragmentRepresents a measurement fragment. This event can be sent to Cumulocity to create a measurement fragment, and can also be received from Cumulocity as a notification.
MeasurementValueUsed in Measurement to represent a measurement value with units and optional extra data.
ObjectCommitFailedResponse from Cumulocity to a failed create/update object request.
ObjectCommittedResponse from Cumulocity after creating or updating Cumulocity objects.
OperationRepresents an operation executed on a Cumulocity device.
RequestAllDevicesRequests all managed objects from Cumulocity.
RequestAllDevicesCompleteResponse from Cumulocity at the end of a RequestAllDevices stream of events.
RoleUsed in the CurrentUser event to represent a user role.
SendEmailRequests Cumulocity to send an email alert.
SendSMSRequests Cumulocity to send an SMS alert.
SerialConnectionA connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle all requests using a single client.
SharedConnectionA connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle all requests using a shared client.
SMSResourceReferenceUsed by SMSResponse to refer to an SMS resource.
SMSResponseResponse to a SendSMS request.
SubscribeSubscribes to Cumulocity measurement/managed object/event/alarm/operation notifications.
SubscribeMeasurementsSubscribes to measurements.
TenantDetailsAn event to hold tenant information.
TenantOptionRepresents an option in the tenant.
TenantsSubscribedToApplicationCollection of all tenants subscribed to the current application.
TenantSubscriptionNotifierHelper utility to get notifications of tenant subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes from Cumulocity notifications.
UnsubscribeMeasurementsUnsubscribes from measurements.
UtilContains various static actions that are useful for interacting with Cumulocity such as generateReqId().