Apama 10.15.3 | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Correlator Utilities Reference | Using the Data Player command-line interface
Using the Data Player command-line interface
The Data Player is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Apama's Data Player in Software AG Designer lets you play back previously saved event data as you develop your application. During playback, you can analyze the behavior of your application. Or, if you modify the saved event data, you can analyze how your application performs with the altered data. Software AG Designer plays back event data that has been stored in standard data formats.
When you are ready to test your application, the command-line interface to the Data Player lets you write scripts and unit tests to exercise the API layers. Or, if you just want to play back events to the correlator, using the command-line interface might be easier than using the Data Player GUI in Software AG Designer.
To use the command-line interface to the Data Player, you must have already used the GUI interface in Software AG Designer. That is, you must have already defined queries and query configurations in Software AG Designer. When you use the command-line interface (that is, the adbc_management tool), you specify query names and query configurations that you created in Software AG Designer. The executable for this tool is located in the bin directory of the Apama installation.
The Data Player relies on Apama Database Connector (ADBC) adapters that are specific to standard ODBC and JDBC database formats as well as the comma-delimited Apama Sim format. Apama release 4.1 and earlier captured streaming data to files in the Sim format. These adapters run in the Apama Integration Application Framework (IAF), which connects the data sources to the correlator. The information here assumes that you are already familiar with the information in Using the Data Player.
To use the Data Player from the command line, run the following command:
adbc_management --query queryName --configFile file [ options ]
When you run this command with the –h option, the usage message for this command is shown.
The adbc_management tool takes the following options:
-h | --help
Displays usage information.
-n host | --hostname host
Name of the host on which the correlator is running. The default is localhost. Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in host names.
-p port | --port port
Port on which the correlator is listening. The default is 15903.
--query queryName
Runs the specified query, which is defined in the query configuration file that you identify with the --configFile option. This is a query you created with Apama's Data Player in Software AG Designer. You did this when you clicked on the + button on the action bar. You specified a query name, and that is the name you need to specify here.
--configFile file
The query configuration file to use. This is the query configuration file associated with your project. In Software AG Designer, the query configuration file is always called dataplayer_queries.xml (in the project's config directory).
--username user
The user name to use for the database connection. Optional.
--password password
The password to use for the database connection. Optional.
--returnType returnType
The type of the playback events returned. The default is Native. The only other choice is Wrapped. A return type of Native means that each matching event is sent as-is to the correlator. When you specify Wrapped, each matching event is inside a container event. The name of the container event is Historical followed by the name of the event in the container, for example, HistoricalTick. The container event will be in the default namespace. Event wrapping allows events to be sent to the correlator without triggering application listeners. A separate, user-defined monitor can listen for wrapped events, modify the contained event, and reroute it such that application listeners can match on it.
--backTest boolean
This option is equivalent to the Data Player option to Generate time event from data. When the correlator is running with the -Xclock option, time in the correlator is controlled by &TIME() events. This is how the Data Player controls the playback speed. If the correlator is not running with the -Xclock option, the correlator keeps its own time. The default is true, which means that the correlator is running with the -Xclock option. Set this option to false when the correlator is not running with the -Xclock option.
--speed playBackSpeed
Specifies the speed for playing back the query. Optional. A float value less than or equal to 0.0 means that you want the correlator to play it back as fast as possible. A float value greater than 0.0 indicates a multiple for the playback speed. To play at normal speed, specify 1.0. For half normal speed, specify 0.5. For twice normal speed, specify 2.0. For 100 times normal speed, specify 100.00.