Apama 10.15.3 | Developing Apama Applications | EPL Reference | Events and Event Listeners | Event definitions
Event definitions
Event fields
Event actions
Event field and action scope
An event definition specifies the event type, and any event fields and/or event action fields.
event MyEvent {
string str;
MyOtherEvent evt;
location loc;
wildcard integer int;
To create an instance of MyEvent, you can use the following syntax:
MyEvent myEvent := MyEvent(str1, evt1, loc1, int1);
where str1 is a string, evt1 is an instance of MyOtherEvent, loc1 is an instance of location, and int1 is an integer (this field being a wildcard makes no difference to how you instantiate an event; for more information on wildcards, see Improving performance by ignoring some fields in matching events).
For detailed information, see Defining event types.