Specifying a time period in Query Designer
In Query Designer, you can specify a length of time:
To wait before or after an event pattern occurs. This is in the
Wait operator in an event pattern.
In which all events in the pattern or some events in the pattern must be received. This is in a query time constraint condition.
When you specify a time period, it must be one of the following:
A time literal, which is an
integer or
float value, followed by a space, followed by one of the following:
day days hour hours min minute minutes sec second seconds msec millisecond milliseconds Insert a space between consecutive time literals. For example, you could enter
5 min 10.0 sec.
float literal, which can be a
float value or an expression that resolves to a
float value. An expression can use constants and parameters. A
float literal always indicates a number of seconds.
For example, the following specifications are valid:
10 sec 3.5 hours 5 days 90 min 30.0 sec 60.0