Apama 10.15.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | C/C++ Codec Plug-in Development | The C/C++ codec plug-in development specification | The codec constructor, destructor and info functions
The codec constructor, destructor and info functions
Every event codec needs to implement a constructor function, a destructor function and an info function. These methods are called by the IAF to (respectively) to instantiate the event codec, to clean it up during unloading, and to provide information about the plug-in's capabilities.
EventCodec.h provides the following definitions:
*AP_EventCodecCtorPtr points to the constructor function.
*AP_EventCodecDtorPtr points to the destructor function.
*AP_EventCodecInfoPtr points to the info function. Every codec needs to implement an info function. This is called by the IAF to obtain information as to the capabilities (encoder/decoder) of the codec.
The IAF will search for these functions by the names AP_EventCodec_ctor and AP_EventCodec_dtor when the library is loaded, and it will search for and call AP_EventCodec_info. So you must use these exact names when implementing a codec plug-in.
See the API Reference for C++ (Doxygen) for more information on the above definitions.