Apama 10.15.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | Using the IAF | IAF Client – Managing a running adapter II
IAF Client – Managing a running adapter II
The iaf_client tool is provided for performing IAF-specific management operations on a running adapter. It can be used to stop a running adapter, to temporarily pause sending of events from an adapter into the correlator, and to request an adapter to dynamically reload its configuration. The executable for this tool is located in the bin directory of the Apama installation.
To manage a running adapter, run the following command:
iaf_client [ options ]
When you run this command with the –h option, the usage message for this command is shown.
If the adapter is listening for control connections on a non-standard port (specified with the -–port option to the iaf executable), you must pass the same port number to the iaf_client tool.
When the IAF is started, it loads all the transport and codec plug-ins defined in its configuration file, and initializes them with any plug-in-specific properties provided.
You can use the --reload option to dynamically reconfigure a running adapter from a changed configuration file without restarting the IAF. When this option is used, the IAF will:
*Pass the current set of <property> names and values in the configuration file to each loaded transport and codec layer plug-in.
Although plug-in authors will support dynamic reconfiguration of properties wherever possible, it is important to be aware that there may be some properties that by the nature cannot be changed while the adapter is still running. These should be detailed in the documentation for the transport or codec plug-in. Some transport and codec plug-ins may not support configuration file reloading at all. This should be documented by the specific plug-ins.
*Load and initialize any new transport and codec layer plug-ins that have been listed in the <transports> and <codecs> sections of the configuration file.
*Unload any transport and codec layer plug-ins that are no longer listed in the <transports> and <codecs> sections of the configuration file.
Changing the name of a running plug-in and performing a reload is equivalent to unloading the plug-in and then loading it again. It is important to realize that this will result in any runtime state stored in memory by the plug-in being lost.
It is not possible to dynamically change a loaded plug-in's C/C++ library filename or Java className, nor to change a C/C++ plug-in into a Java one (or vice-
If an adapter is reconfigured to use a different log file and the IAF cannot write to the new log file when reloaded, the IAF uses the log file the adapter was using before reconfiguring. If the IAF cannot use the original log file, it writes to stderr.
The iaf_client tool takes the following options:
-h | --help
Displays usage information.
-n host | --hostname host
Name of the host to which you want to connect. Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in host names.
-p port | --port port
Port on which the IAF is listening.
-r | --reload
Instructs the IAF to reload its configuration file.
-s | --suspend
Instructs the IAF to suspend the sending of events to the correlator (not to the external transport).
-t | --resume
Instructs the IAF to resume the sending of events to the correlator (not to the external transport).
-q | --quit
Instructs the IAF to shut down.
-v | --verbose
Requests verbose output during execution.
-V | --version
Displays version information for the iaf_client tool.