Apama 10.15.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The Universal Messaging Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Overview of using Universal Messaging in Apama applications | Using Universal Messaging channels instead of configuring IAF adapter connections
Using Universal Messaging channels instead of configuring IAF adapter connections
Use of Universal Messaging from the IAF is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is recommended that you now change any IAF-based adapter configurations using Universal Messaging with a <universal-messaging> element in the configuration file to use an <apama> element to talk directly to the correlator. See Apama correlator configuration.
In an Apama application, you can use Universal Messaging as the communication mechanism between an IAF adapter and one or more correlators. If you do, then keep in mind the following:
*IAF adapters must send events on named channels. IAF adapters cannot use the default (empty string) channel.
*A service monitor that communicates with an IAF adapter should either be run on only one correlator, or be correctly designed to use multiple correlators. See Considerations for using Universal Messaging channels.
When an IAF adapter needs to communicate with only one correlator, which is often the case for a service monitor, an Apama channel might be a better choice than a Universal Messaging channel. However, even in this situation, it is possible and might be preferable to use a Universal Messaging channel. See Comparison of Apama channels and Universal Messaging channels.
See also Configuring IAF adapters to use Universal Messaging.