Apama 10.15.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The HTTP Server Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Configuring the HTTP server transport
Configuring the HTTP server transport
The HTTP server has a manager that deals with connections and one or more chains that deal with mapping events into the correlator. All chains defined are used by all managers. If you require multiple ports (that is, with different options), then you need multiple managers. The HTTP server should be added to a manager and chain containing the appropriate mapping rules (see Mapping events between EPL and HTTP server requests for detailed information).
transport: HTTPServerTransport
port: 15910
tls: false
tlsKeyFile: ${PARENT_DIR}/servername.key.pem
tlsCertificateFile: ${PARENT_DIR}/servername.cert.pem
connectionTimeoutSecs: 60
maxConnections: 16
keepAliveTimeSecs: 120
concurrentChains: true
file: ${PARENT_DIR}/swaggerDefault.json
contentType: application/json
charset: utf-8
The following configuration options are available for the manager on the HTTP server:
Configuration option
Required. The user-defined port on which the server is accessible.
Type: integer.
Optional. Binds to specific interfaces, potentially on multiple ports. Each entry is either a host, or a host:port combination. If a port is provided, it is used. Otherwise, the port option applies. The default is to bind to all interfaces on the configured port.
Type: string or list<string>.
Default: blank.
Optional. Set this to true to enable TLS (https).
Type: bool.
Default: false.
The private key for the certificate in PEM format. Required if TLS is enabled.
Type: path.
The server certificate file in PEM format. Required if TLS is enabled.
Type: path.
Maximum time to handle a single request before returning a timeout (in seconds).
Type: integer.
Default: 60.
Maximum number of simultaneous connections which can be handled.
Type: integer.
Default: 16.
Optional. Set this to the maximum idle time in seconds between requests on a persistent connection before it is closed. If not set, the default value is used.
Type: integer.
Default: 15.
Optional. Set this to true to enable concurrent chains where each connection uses a different chain into the HTTP server to process requests and responses, up to a maximum of maxConnections. Requests on the same connection are processed in order.
If set to false (default), concurrent chains are disabled. A single chain is used for all connections, and it only processes a single request at a time.
Type: bool.
Default: false.
Optional. Map of static files. Elements are of the form:
file: ${PARENT_DIR}/source_file.txt
contentType: text/plain
charset: utf-8
file and contentType are required, charset is optional.
Type: Map.
Default: undefined.
- apama.eventMap
        mapping rules...
- HTTPServerTransport:
authenticationType: none
allowedUsersFile: ${PARENT_DIR}/userfile.txt
maxAttempts: 5
coolDownSecs: 30
automaticResponses: false
responseCompression: "ifRequested"
responseTimeoutMs: 5000
matchPathPrefixes: [""]
allowedMethods: [PUT]
The following configuration options are available for the chain on the HTTP server:
Configuration option
Set this to HTTP_BASIC if you require HTTP basic authentication.
Type: HTTP_BASIC or none.
Default: none.
Path to the password file (see Authentication). Required if the authentication type is HTTP_BASIC.
Type: path.
Maximum number of failed login attempts before throttling the requests for that user. See Authentication for more information.
Type: integer.
Default: 3.
The number of seconds after the maximum number of failed login attempts before the HTTP server attempts authentication of the user again. See Authentication for more information.
Type: integer.
Default: 20.
Set this to true if you want a submission-only API where the responses are generated automatically by the transport. If set to false, the transport will wait for a response from the EPL application, subject to a timeout.
Type: bool.
The Accept-Encoding header is used for negotiating content encoding. Set this to ifRequested if you want to encode an EPL response or a static file. If set to never, no encoding is applied to the entity-body.
Type: string.
Default: never.
The number of milliseconds we wait for a response from the EPL application before returning to the client.
Type: integer.
Default: 5000 (5s).
If providing multiple chains in the dynamicChains section, you must provide a matchPathPrefixes option on all of them to specify which chain should handle each request. This specifies a list of prefixes to the HTTP request path. The longest matching prefix is used to handle a given request. Required if using multiple chains. See Handling requests to different paths with different chains for more information.
Type: string or list<string>.
Required. List of permitted HTTP verbs (for example, PUT or GET).
Type: string or list<string>.
Maximum permitted HTTP payload size in bytes.
Type: integer.
Default: 1048576 (1MB).