Apama 10.15.3 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Building Dashboard Clients | Using Dashboard Builder | About resize modes | About resize modes and composite objects
About resize modes and composite objects
A new property, resizeMode, has been added to the Composite category of the composite object. When set to Size to Display (the default), the size of the composite is determined by the size of the display that it contains, and the composite cannot be resized. If set to Layout, the composite can be resized and the objects in the composite display are laid out according to their anchor and dock properties.
If resizeMode is set to Layout, the dock and anchor properties may be set on the composite so that it resizes during a window resize if the window resize mode is also set to Layout. If the window resize mode for the display containing the composite is set to Scale, the composite object does a scale instead of a layout.
Note that the dock and anchor properties should not be setup to stretch the composite object if the resizeMode is Size to Display. This causes the object to toggle back and forth between stretched and not stretched when the window is resized in Layout mode.