Apama 10.15.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.2 | Miscellaneous changes in 10.2 affecting backwards compatibility
Miscellaneous changes in 10.2 affecting backwards compatibility
The following changes in Apama 10.2 affect backwards compatibility to previous Apama versions:
*Apama 10.2 incorporates the ICU (International Components for Unicode) time-zone data update 2017c, which is the most recent update at the time of release. This will update time-zone data used by the correlator and Time Format EPL plug-in.
In addition, Apama 10.2 contains an upgrade from ICU 58.1 to ICU 60.1 which contains a small behavioral difference which may affect your applications: When formatting time in UTC, the output for a GMT+offset time zone is now UTC rather than GMT (non-UTC time zones are unaffected).
*It is no longer legal to define two event types with the same name and package in a Software AG Designer project. In previous versions, two similar event declarations in a project were shown as a warning in Software AG Designer. As of this version, this is shown as an error.
*An IllegalArgumentException is now thrown at runtime if an EPL dictionary is initialized with duplicate keys. With previous versions, no exception was thrown; the dictionary contained the key only once and the value was undefined.
*The ADBC Event API has been changed such that a single com.apama.database.Query event can no longer be used to run multiple queries concurrently. A single query event was never intended to run concurrent queries. It is recommended to instantiate multiple com.apama.database.Query events if you want to run queries concurrently. To reuse the same com.apama.database.Query event, you must now set up appropriate listeners on it again, by calling setBatchDoneCallback and setSchemaCallback before calling start. See also The ADBC Event application programming interface and the description of the Query event in the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) .