Apama 10.15.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.15.3 | Apama helper classes for PySys in 10.15.3
Apama helper classes for PySys in 10.15.3
Apama 10.15.3 includes the following improvements for the Apama helper classes for PySys:
*The CorrelatorHelper.injectEPL (and related inject* methods) now expands ${...} project properties automatically, for example, correlator.injectEPL(['${APAMA_HOME}/monitors/ManagementImpl.mon']). Additionally, if the same .mon path is listed more than once in a single call to injectEPL(), the later duplicate names are silently ignored rather than producing an injection error.
*A new project property apamaCorrelatorLicense can be used to specify the path of the correlator license. When the property is not specified, PySys continues to look in the default directory for the license.