Apama 10.15.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.0 | Correlator utility enhancements in 10.0
Correlator utility enhancements in 10.0
Apama 10.0 includes the following correlator utility enhancements:
*Instead of specifying a list of configuration files on the command line with the --config option, it is now also possible to specify these files in the includes section of another configuration file. For detailed information, see Including YAML configuration files inside another YAML configuration file.
*It is now possible to specify the correlator port number in a YAML configuration file. For detailed information, see Specifying the correlator port number.
*Using the new engine_deploy tool, it is now possible to generate an initialization file list, a correlator deployment package (CDP), or a correlator deployment directory from an Apama project that has been created with Software AG Designer. You can also use this tool to perform the initialization in a running correlator. If you are not using Software AG Designer, you can also use this tool with a directory of Apama files. For detailed information, see Deploying a correlator.
In addition, you can now also use Ant to generate a correlator deployment directory. The apama-macros.xml file includes the new generate-correlator-deploy-dir macro for this purpose. See also About deploying Apama applications with an Ant script.
*A new management request has been added: startInternalClock. This is available on correlators via the --doRequest option of the engine_management tool (see Shutting down and managing components) and via the apama-macros.xml Ant script (see also About deploying Apama applications with an Ant script). This request takes a previously externally clocked correlator and starts to clock it internally.