Apama 10.15.3 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Exporting project information | Exporting to a deployment script
Exporting to a deployment script
You can export an application's launch configuration to create a deployment script. This generates the build files, configuration files, property definition files, scripts, and EPL files and copies other resources that are used by Ant to build and launch the project on a different machine.
*To export an Apama launch configuration to a deployment script
1. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the name of the project and select Export from the pop-up menu.
2. In the Export dialog, expand Software AG.
3. Select Apama Ant Export and click Next.
4. In the Ant Export dialog, specify the settings as follows:
*Launch configuration — The export operation uses the project's default launch configuration, but if a project has multiple launch configurations, you can select which one to export. If you want to select a different launch configuration, click Browse. This will display the Choose Launch Configuration dialog.
*Destination directory — The name of the directory for the exported files.
*Generate initialization list during launch — Dynamically creates the file injection list from the project directory when the exported deployment script is executed, rather than during the export process.
When you select this option you need to export your project's launch configuration only once. The generated scripts specify the location of your project directory and then use the content of your project directory to create the file injection list at deployment time. If you do not select this option, then you must re-export the configuration each time you add, remove or edit a file in your application.
For JMon applications that you develop in Software AG Designer, Software AG Designer creates the required .jar files whenever you modify your Java files. If you do not develop your JMon application in Software AG Designer, see Generating deployment descriptor files from annotations for information about building the .jar file for your application. Ensure that your application's .jar file is in your project directory before export.
Apama's in-process API for Java (JMon) is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
If you selected a shared location when you created the launch configuration that you are exporting, then Software AG Designer generates two files that contain the launch information (.deploy and .launch) and puts them in the specified shared location. After you create the launch configuration, any changes you make to the launch configuration are reflected in these files. Since the exported deployment script uses these files at deployment time, any launch configuration changes will also be reflected upon deployment. Except, if you change the shared location then you must re-export the launch configuration to a new Ant deployment script. If you do not, the old Ant deployment script fails because it cannot find the .deploy file.
When Generate initialization list during launch is selected, the option Copy resources to destination is not available because the script points to the project directory.
*Copy resources to destination — By default, the export operation copies only the project's dashboard definitions. To change the specific resources that Software AG Designer exports, click Browse to display the Export Resource Browser dialog and specify the resources you want.
*Use relative paths — By default, the generated build.xml file uses relative pathnames for the application's monitors, events, jars, and adapter configurations and properties. Uncheck this box if you want to use absolute pathnames.
*Include custom file — If you want the exported launch configuration to perform other operations, select this option to generate a stub custom.xml file. The custom.xml file has pre-custom and post-custom targets where you can add the desired operations.
*Batch resources when possible — By default, the build.xml file generated by the export operation specifies that all monitors in the project will be injected in a batch when the application is launched. If you want to inject each monitor separately when the application is launched, uncheck this check box.
*Launch correlator in separate console — By default, the exported launch configuration will launch the correlator in a separate console. Uncheck this check box if you want to start the correlator in the console where the launch is started.
*Generate Windows scripts — Exports all scripts used by the launch configuration in Windows form.
*Generate Unix scripts — Exports all scripts used by the launch configuration in UNIX form.
*Generate export log — By default the export operation generates a log file that records the export operation. Uncheck the check box if you do not want to record the log file.
Click Finish. The files are generated in the specified destination directory.