Apama 10.15.2 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Editing Apama files | Sharing templates among Software AG Designer  installations
Sharing templates among Software AG Designer  installations
You can define templates in one Software AG Designer installation, and export them for use in another Software AG Designer installation.
*To export templates and import them in another installation
1. In the source Apama project, define all the templates that you want to share. See Defining shorthand (templates) for frequently used EPL code.
2. Go to the Apama preferences and export them all. For more information, see the description of the Apama preference page Editor Templates.
3. Go to some other Software AG Designer installation.
4. Go to the Apama preferences of this installation and import the templates. For more information, see the description of the Apama preference page Editor Templates.