Apama 10.15.2 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Defining Event Listeners | How the correlator executes event listeners | Evaluating event listeners for all A-events followed by all B-events
Evaluating event listeners for all A-events followed by all B-events
Consider the following event listener definition:
on all A() -> all B() success();
on ( ( all A() ) -> ( all B() ) ) success();
Now the monitor would match on an A and create another event listener to look for further As. Each of these event listeners will go on to search for a B after it encounters an A. However, in this instance all event listeners are duplicated once more after matching against a B.
The effect of this would be that on all A -> all B would match {A1, B1}, {A1, B2}, {A1, B3}, {A2, B1}, {A2, B2}, {A2, B3} and {A3, B3}. That is, all the possible permutations. This could cause a very large number of sub-event-listeners to be created.
The all operator must be used with caution as it can create a very large number of sub-event-listeners, all looking for concurrent patterns. This is particularly applicable if multiple all operators are nested within each other. This can have an adverse impact on performance.
Now consider the example,
on all ( A() -> all B() ) success();
This will match the first A followed by all subsequent Bs. However, as on every match of an A followed by B, ( A() -> all B() ) becomes true, then a new search for the "next" A followed by all subsequent Bs will start. This will repeat itself recursively, and eventually there could be several concurrent sub-event-listeners that might match on the same patterns, thus causing duplicate triggering.
Give the same event pattern as described in Evaluating event listeners for all A-events followed by B-events, this would be evaluated as follows:
Illustration of timeline for incoming events
Thus matching against {A1, B1}, {A1, B2}, {A1, B3}, and twice against {A3, B3}. Notice how the number of active event listeners is progressively increasing, until after t12 there would actually be six active event listeners, three looking for a B and three looking for an A.