Apama 10.15.2 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Deployment | Administering Dashboard Security | Administering authentication
Administering authentication
For dashboards deployed as simple web pages, authentication can be performed by your application server.
For dashboards deployed as local applications, or dashboards using an application server, authentication is performed both at the dashboard and by the data server or display server. When a user starts the Dashboard Viewer, a login dialog appears, which prompts the user for a user name and password (as well as for the host and port of the data server or display server to connect to). The information entered is used to authenticate the user against the authentication service of your choice. Authenticated users are allowed to connect to the server. See Authentication for local and application server deployments for more information.
Whenever a dashboard connects to or disconnects from a data server or display server, the server sends a special notification event to all correlators that are connected to it, provided that your project includes the Dashboard Support bundle. Your monitors can make use of these events to implement further authentication-related administration. See Managing Connect and Disconnect Notification in Managing the dashboard data server and display server.