Apama 10.15.2 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Deployment | Managing the dashboard data server and display server | Managing and stopping the data server and display server
Managing and stopping the data server and display server
The dashboard_management tool is used to stop a data server or display server and perform certain data server or display server management operations. The executable for this tool is located in the bin directory of the Apama installation. Running the tool in the Apama Command Prompt or using the apama_env wrapper (see Setting up the environment using the Apama Command Prompt) ensures that the environment variables are set correctly.
The component_management tool can also be used for many of these tasks. See Shutting down and managing components.
To manage and stop the data server or display server, run the following command:
dashboard_management [ options ]
When you run this command with the –h option, the usage message for this command is shown.
You can use this tool to shut down, deep ping, or get the process ID of a data server or display server on a specified host and port. A successful deep ping verifies that the server is responding to requests. You can also use this tool to generate a dashboard deployment package, and to sign .jar files as part of deployment-package generation.
When you invoke this tool, you can specify the host and port of the server you want to manage. For the port, specify the port that was specified with the -p or --port option when the desired server was started. If the -p or --port option was not specified, you do not need to supply this option. It defaults to the default management port (28888).
The dashboard_management tool takes the following options:
-a alias | --alias alias
Use the alias in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package specified by the -y or --deploy option and the -c or --config option. Specify the keystore and password with the -k or --keystoreFile option and the -o or --password option.
-c path | --config path
Generate a deployment package for the named configuration. Specify the file that defines the configuration with the -y or --deploy option. Specify the .rtv files to use with the -r or --rtvPath option.
-D | --displayServer
Run against display server.
-d | --deepping
Deep-ping the component.
-e password | --encryptString password
Generate an encrypted version of the password. This is useful when you manually add an SQL data source by entering information directly into OPTIONS.ini.
-f file | --logfile file
Full pathname of the file in which to record logging.
-h | --help
Display usage information.
-I | --invalidateAll
Invalidate all user authentications.
-i username | --invalidateUser username
Invalidate a user authentication.
-j jarfile | --jar jarfile
Name of a third-party jar file to sign. You can specify this option multiple times if you have multiple jar files to sign.
-k path | --keystoreFile path
Use the keystore file designated by path in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package specified by the -y or --deploy option and the -c or --config option. Specify the alias and password with -a or --alias option and the -o or --password option. Ensure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set to a Java Development Kit (JDK).
-l path | --deployLocation path
The deploy destination.
-n host | --hostname host
Connect to component on host. If not specified, localhost is used.
-o password | --password password
Use the specified password in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package specified by the -y or --deploy option and the -c or --config option. Specify the keystore and alias with the -k or --keystoreFile option and the -a or --alias option.
-p port | --port port
Connect to component on port. Specify the port that was specified with the -p or --port option when the component was started. If the -p or --port option was not specified, you do not need to supply this option. It defaults to the default management port (28888).
-r path | --rtvPath path
Generate a deployment package with the .rtv files in the directory designated by path. Specify the deployment configuration to use with the -y or --deploy option and the -r or --rtvPath option.
-s reason | --shutdown reason
Shut down the component with the specified reason.
-U path | --update path
Update the specified Release 2.4 .rtv file or files so that they are appropriate for use with this Apama release. path is the pathname of a file or directory. If path specifies a directory, all .rtv files in the directory are updated.
-v | --verbose
Emit verbose output, including the startup settings (such as dataPort and updateRate) of the dashboard server to connect to.
-V | --version
Display program name and version number and then exit.
-W | --waitFor
Wait for component to be available.
-y path | --deploy path
Generate a deployment package for a configuration defined in the dashboard configuration file designated by path. Specify the configuration name with the -c or --config option. Specify the .rtv files to use with the -r or --rtvPath option.