Icon | Description |
Apama project. | |
Node with the fix name Connectivity and Adapters which includes all connectivity or IAF adapter bundles that have been added. This is a virtual folder which is not available in the file system. It is provided for your convenience, and it is recommended that you use this folder where possible. The files in the virtual folder are also available in the nodes for the physical folders. For example, connectivity plug-in configuration files that are managed by bundles in this node are also available in the config node of the project and thus in the physical config folder in the file system. It is safe to edit the files in either node. | |
Container node for a specific type of connectivity bundle or IAF adapter bundle. | |
Instance of a connectivity bundle (see also
Connectivity bundles) or IAF adapter bundle. | |
YAML configuration file (.yaml). Shown for an instance of a connectivity bundle. See also
Configuration file for connectivity plug-ins. | |
Properties file (.properties) that is used together with a YAML configuration file. Shown for an instance of a connectivity bundle. The same icon is also used for .ini files. See also
Using properties files. | |
Node with the fix name Linked Resources which contains common configuration files shared by the connectivity bundle instances. See also
Linked Resources. | |
Node with the fix name Dependent Bundles which contains references to required connectivity bundles or adapter bundles. | |
Node with the fix name EPL Bundles which includes all EPL bundle instances that have been added. See also
Adding bundles to projects. | |
EPL bundle instance. | |
Node for the contents of a bundle, such as EPL files, event files or correlator deployment packages (CDPs). | |
Correlator deployment package file (.cdp). See also
Exporting correlator deployment packages. | |
Nodes with the fix names JRE System Library (jvm) and ApamaJavaLibray which contain references to required .jar files. These are virtual folders for content that is not available in the workspace. | |
Node with the fix name java/src which contains the .java files that have been added. This corresponds to the physical java/bin and java/src folders in the file system. | |
Physical folder that is available in the file system. | |
EPL file (.mon) containing monitors or event definitions. See also
Creating new monitor files for EPL applications and
Creating new event definition files for EPL applications. | |
Apama event file (.evt). See also
Creating new event files. | |
EPL plug-in written in Java file (.java); located in the java/src node. |