Apama 10.15.2 | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Deploying and Managing Queries | Deploying query applications
Deploying query applications
Apama recommends that you use the Ant export facility in Software AG Designer to help you deploy your query application. The general steps for deploying an Apama query application include:
1. In Software AG Designer, enable JMS support and distributed MemoryStore support. See Correlator arguments.
2. In Software AG Designer, generate an Ant deployment script. The generated files are placed in a directory that you specify. See Exporting to a deployment script.
3. Copy the resultant directory onto each host that will run a correlator.
4. If necessary, edit the environment.properties file on each correlator host.
5. Ensure that the distributed MemoryStore and JMS servers are running.
6. On each correlator host, run the Ant deployment script to start the correlator.
If the project does not contain a distributed MemoryStore configuration, a local in-process MemoryStore will be used to store events. This is not shared or persistent, so only supports a single correlator deployment. If this correlator stops, it will drop all event history data. Apama recommends Terracotta's TCStore and a corresponding configuration for production use. See Deploying a Terracotta Server Array (TSA) and Configuring the TCStore driver.
Apama does not recommend running multiple correlators on a single machine. The assumption is that each correlator can use all of the CPU resources available. Also, running multiple correlators on one host does not provide any extra resilience. However, it is possible to run multiple correlators on a single machine. To do so:
1. Copy the exported deployment directory to separate directories on the correlator host machine.
2. Edit the environment.properties file to specify a different port number for each correlator and for each (if any) adapter in your project.