Apama 10.15.2 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends | Graph Objects | Bar graphs
Bar graphs
Bar graph: Alert group
Bar graph: Background group
Bar graph: Bar group
Bar graph: Column group
Bar graph: Data group
Bar graph: Data Format group
Bar graph: Data Label group
Bar graph: Historian group
Bar graph: Interaction group
Bar graph: Label group
Bar graph: Layout group
Bar graph: Legend group
Bar graph: Marker group
Bar graph: Object group
Bar graph: Plot Area group
Bar graph: Trace group
Bar graph: X-Axis group
Bar graph: Y-Axis group
Bar graphs visualize tabular data that has one or more numerical columns. Typically, the visualized data also has one non-numerical column, whose values are used as graph labels that uniquely identify each row.
A bar graph can visualize data in either of two ways:
*Row series visualization: One group of bars is shown for each numeric column in the data attachment. Within each group, there is a bar for each row in the data attachment.
*Column series visualization: one group of bars is shown for each row in your data attachment. Within each group, there is a bar for each numeric column in the data attachment.
Illustration showing a bar graph
Use the valueTable property to attach data to a bar graph. Use the rowSeriesFlag property to specify row series or column series visualization.
You can attach additional data to a bar graph by using the traceValueTable property. Data attached to this property is visualized with plotted points, or trace markers, rather than bars.
A bar graph can visualize trace data in either of two ways:
*Row series visualization: One group of trace markers is shown for each numeric column in the data attachment. Within each group, there is a marker for each row in the data attachment.
*Column series visualization: one group of trace markers is shown for each row in your data attachment. Within each group, there is a marker for each numeric column in the data attachment
The points within a group are connected to one another by a polyline, or trace line.
The current section covers the following kinds of bar graphs:
*Bar graph
*3-D Stacked bar graph
*Grouped bar graph with traces
These visualization objects all share the same properties. They differ from one another only with regard to their default values for these properties. When one of these objects is selected in the Builder canvas, the Object Class Name that appears at the top of the Object Properties pane is obj_bargraph.
The Object Properties panel organizes bar graph properties into the groups below.