Apama 10.15.2 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Building Dashboard Clients | Reusing Dashboard Components | Using Composite objects | Composite object sample
Composite object sample
Recreating the Composite object sample
The Dashboard Builder tutorial includes an example of the Composite object.
*Open the file tutorial-composite-simple.rtv by selecting Composite Simple on the tutorial main page.
Illustration of a Composite object with a Text label
This dashboard displays a composite object with its rtvName property set to the file tutorial-composite-detail-simple.
*Open the file tutorial-composite-detail-simple.rtv in the Dashboard Builder.
Illustration of a Composite object with an empty label
Examine the label, labelTextColor, and labelTextFont properties to see that they are attached to variables.
Illustration showing the label properties and variables
From the Tools menu, select Variables to see that the variables labelText, labelColor, and labelFont are defined as public variables. These variables are set as properties on the Composite object.
Illustration showing the properties of the Composite object