Apama 10.15.2 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Correlator-Integrated Support for the Java Message Service (JMS) | Using the Java Message Service (JMS) | Mapping Apama events and JMS messages | Specifying transformation types
Specifying transformation types
In the Mapping Element Details section, in the Transformation Type field select the desired type from the drop-down list.
*To specify the transformation details
1. In the Mapping Definitions section, draw the line indicating the mapping from source to target.
2. In the Mapping Definitions section, click on the line that specifies the mapping rule.
3. Under Mapping Element Details on the Properties tab, in the Transformation Type drop-down list:
*Select XSLT Transformation. In the Stylesheet URL field, click Browse to locate the stylesheet file.
*Select XPath. In the XPath Expression field, specify a valid XPath expression. You can either enter the XPath expression directly or you can use the XPath builder tool to construct an expression. To use the XPath Builder:
1. Click the Browse button [...] to the right of the XPath Expression field.
2. In the Select input for XPath helper dialog, click Browse [...] and select the name of the file that contains a definition of the XML structure (the drop-down arrow allows you to select the scope of the selection process). Click OK. The XPath Helper opens, showing the XML structure of the selected file in the left pane. See also Using the XPath Helper.
3. In the XPath Helper, build the desired XPath expression by double-clicking on nodes of interest in the left pane. The resultant XPath expression appears in the XPath tab in the upper right pane. If the XML document makes use of namespaces, change the namespace option from Prefix to Namespace or Local name.
4. In the XPath Helper, click OK. The XPath Builder closes and the XPath Expression field displays the XPath expression you built.
*Select XMLDecode.
1. In the Node path field, specify a valid node path.
2. In the Properties field, specify the properties as property=value. If you want to specify multiple properties, specify the properties separated by a semicolon.
For more information, see Specifying XML codec properties.