Interface EventDecoder

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
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    public interface EventDecoder
    EventDecoder defines the interface that Java IAF decoders implement so they can be used by the IAF to convert a downstream event from the transport into the normalised form required by the Semantic Mapper.

    • Method Detail

      • sendTransportEvent

        void sendTransportEvent​(java.lang.Object event,
                                TimestampSet timestamps)
                         throws CodecException,
        Called by the event transport to decode a downstream event using a Java Codec, which will then send it on to the Semantic Mapper. It is assumed that the encoder and transport share the same definition of the content of the event, so that the transport can effectively interpret the event.
        event - An object representing the event to be decoded, in a format shared by the decoder and transport.
        timestamps - A TimestampSet representing the timestamps attached to the event.
        CodecException - Thrown by the decoder if the event provided has an invalid format.
        SemanticMapperException - Thrown if an error occurred during processing of the message by the Semantic Mapper.