Interface EngineStatus

  • public interface EngineStatus
    EngineStatus represents the operational status of the correlator.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAllValues()
      A map of all status items.
      double getMostBackedUpICLatency()
      For the context identified by the slowest context name, this is the time difference in seconds between its current logical time and the most recent time tick added to its input queue.
      java.lang.String getMostBackedUpInput()
      The name of the slowest context.
      int getMostBackedUpQueueSize()
      The number of events on the slowest context's queue, as identified by the name of the slowest context.
      int getNumConsumers()
      The number of external consumers/receivers connected to receive emitted events.
      int getNumContexts()
      The number of contexts in the correlator, including the main context.
      int getNumEventTypes()
      The number of event types defined within the correlator.
      long getNumFastTracked()
      The number of events that have been routed across all contexts since the correlator was started.
      int getNumInputQueuedInput()
      The number of events on the input queues of all public contexts.
      int getNumJavaApplications()
      The number of Java applications and Java EPL plug-ins loaded in the correlator.
      int getNumListeners()
      The number of listeners in all contexts.
      int getNumMonitors()
      The number of EPL monitor definitions injected into the correlator.
      long getNumOutEventsCreated()
      The number of events that have been sent or emitted to channels which have at least one external consumer/receiver subscribed.
      int getNumOutEventsQueued()
      The number of events waiting on output queues to be dispatched to any connected external consumers/receivers.
      long getNumOutEventsSent()
      The number of events that have been delivered to external consumers/receivers.
      long getNumProcessed()
      The number of events processed by the correlator in all contexts.
      int getNumProcesses()
      The number of monitor instances, also known as sub-monitors.
      int getNumQueuedFastTrack()
      The sum of routed events on the route queues of all contexts.
      int getNumQueuedInput()
      The number of executors on the input queues of all contexts.
      long getNumReceived()
      The number of events that the correlator has received from external sources since the correlator started.
      int getNumSubListeners()
      The number of sub-event-listeners that are active across all contexts.
      java.lang.String getSlowestReceiver()
      The name of the consumer/receiver with the largest number of incoming events waiting to be processed.
      int getSlowestReceiverQueueSize()
      The number of events on the slowest consumer's/receiver's queue, as identified by the name of the slowest consumer/receiver.
      long getUptime()
      The time in milliseconds since the correlator was started.
      boolean getUserBool​(java.lang.String key)
      Get a user value of type boolean
      boolean getUserBoolOr​(java.lang.String key, boolean alt)
      Get a user value of type boolean or the alt value if it cannot be found
      float getUserFloat​(java.lang.String key)
      Get a user value of type float
      float getUserFloatOr​(java.lang.String key, float alt)
      Get a user value of type float or the alt value if it cannot be found
      int getUserInt​(java.lang.String key)
      Get a user value of type int
      int getUserIntOr​(java.lang.String key, int alt)
      Get a user value of type int or the alt value if it cannot be found
      java.lang.String getUserString​(java.lang.String key)
      Get a user value of type String
      java.lang.String getUserStringOr​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String alt)
      Get a user value of type String or the alt value if it cannot be found
      java.lang.String toString()
      A descriptive string containing all of the status information.
    • Method Detail

      • getUptime

        long getUptime()
        The time in milliseconds since the correlator was started.
      • getNumReceived

        long getNumReceived()
        The number of events that the correlator has received from external sources since the correlator started.
      • getNumProcessed

        long getNumProcessed()
        The number of events processed by the correlator in all contexts.
      • getNumFastTracked

        long getNumFastTracked()
        The number of events that have been routed across all contexts since the correlator was started.
      • getNumOutEventsCreated

        long getNumOutEventsCreated()
        The number of events that have been sent or emitted to channels which have at least one external consumer/receiver subscribed.
      • getNumOutEventsSent

        long getNumOutEventsSent()
        The number of events that have been delivered to external consumers/receivers. This counts for each external consumer/receiver an event is sent to.
      • getNumContexts

        int getNumContexts()
        The number of contexts in the correlator, including the main context.
      • getNumMonitors

        int getNumMonitors()
        The number of EPL monitor definitions injected into the correlator.
      • getNumProcesses

        int getNumProcesses()
        The number of monitor instances, also known as sub-monitors.
      • getNumJavaApplications

        int getNumJavaApplications()
        The number of Java applications and Java EPL plug-ins loaded in the correlator.
      • getNumListeners

        int getNumListeners()
        The number of listeners in all contexts.
      • getNumSubListeners

        int getNumSubListeners()
        The number of sub-event-listeners that are active across all contexts.
      • getNumEventTypes

        int getNumEventTypes()
        The number of event types defined within the correlator.
      • getNumQueuedFastTrack

        int getNumQueuedFastTrack()
        The sum of routed events on the route queues of all contexts.
      • getNumQueuedInput

        int getNumQueuedInput()
        The number of executors on the input queues of all contexts. As well as events, this can include clock ticks, spawns, injections and other operations.
      • getNumConsumers

        int getNumConsumers()
        The number of external consumers/receivers connected to receive emitted events.
      • getNumOutEventsQueued

        int getNumOutEventsQueued()
        The number of events waiting on output queues to be dispatched to any connected external consumers/receivers.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        A descriptive string containing all of the status information. The string returned is a multi-line string with each line stating the status item and its value.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getAllValues

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAllValues()
        A map of all status items.
      • getMostBackedUpInput

        java.lang.String getMostBackedUpInput()
        The name of the slowest context.
      • getMostBackedUpQueueSize

        int getMostBackedUpQueueSize()
        The number of events on the slowest context's queue, as identified by the name of the slowest context.
      • getSlowestReceiver

        java.lang.String getSlowestReceiver()
        The name of the consumer/receiver with the largest number of incoming events waiting to be processed.
      • getSlowestReceiverQueueSize

        int getSlowestReceiverQueueSize()
        The number of events on the slowest consumer's/receiver's queue, as identified by the name of the slowest consumer/receiver.
      • getUserInt

        int getUserInt​(java.lang.String key)
                throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type int
        key - The user status to look up
        The value of the the status
        EngineException - If the key cannot be found or there is a type mismatch
      • getUserIntOr

        int getUserIntOr​(java.lang.String key,
                         int alt)
                  throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type int or the alt value if it cannot be found
        key - The user status to look up
        alt - The alternate value to return
        The value of the the status or the alternate value if the key does not exist
        EngineException - If there is a type mismatch
      • getUserFloat

        float getUserFloat​(java.lang.String key)
                    throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type float
        key - The user status to look up
        The value of the the status
        EngineException - If the key cannot be found or there is a type mismatch
      • getUserFloatOr

        float getUserFloatOr​(java.lang.String key,
                             float alt)
                      throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type float or the alt value if it cannot be found
        key - The user status to look up
        alt - The alternate value to return
        The value of the the status or the alternate value if the key does not exist
        EngineException - If there is a type mismatch
      • getUserString

        java.lang.String getUserString​(java.lang.String key)
                                throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type String
        key - The user status to look up
        The value of the the status
        EngineException - If the key cannot be found or there is a type mismatch
      • getUserStringOr

        java.lang.String getUserStringOr​(java.lang.String key,
                                         java.lang.String alt)
                                  throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type String or the alt value if it cannot be found
        key - The user status to look up
        alt - The alternate value to return
        The value of the the status or the alternate value if the key does not exist
        EngineException - If there is a type mismatch
      • getUserBool

        boolean getUserBool​(java.lang.String key)
                     throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type boolean
        key - The user status to look up
        The value of the the status
        EngineException - If the key cannot be found or there is a type mismatch
      • getUserBoolOr

        boolean getUserBoolOr​(java.lang.String key,
                              boolean alt)
                       throws EngineException
        Get a user value of type boolean or the alt value if it cannot be found
        key - The user status to look up
        alt - The alternate value to return
        The value of the the status or the alternate value if the key does not exist
        EngineException - If there is a type mismatch
      • getNumInputQueuedInput

        int getNumInputQueuedInput()
        The number of events on the input queues of all public contexts.
      • getMostBackedUpICLatency

        double getMostBackedUpICLatency()
        For the context identified by the slowest context name, this is the time difference in seconds between its current logical time and the most recent time tick added to its input queue.