Class AbstractStoreFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean

    public abstract class AbstractStoreFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware
    Factory object for creating store objects, and holding the configuration properties required to do so.

    Implementing classes have a public no-args constructor. Typically configuration properties will be specified using bean-style setPropName(value) methods which can be set easily from the Spring configuration file.

    Implementors should create a subclass of AbstractStoreFactory, ensure it has a public no-args constructor, create Java bean-style setter and getter methods for all required configuration properties, and provide an implementation of createStore() that makes use of these properties, in addition to the standard properties defined on this factory: getClusterName(), getLogLevel() and getBackupCopies().

    Implementors are encouraged to do as much validation as possible of the configuration in the afterPropertiesSet() method. This method will be called by Spring during Correlator startup, after setters have been invoked, for all properties in the configuration file. CreateStore will never be called before this has happened.

    Thread-safety: after initialization of properties this object will be accessed by only one thread at a time so there is no need for implementors to add additional synchronization.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void afterPropertiesSet()
      Validates the configuration properties at the end of the initialization process.
      abstract AbstractStore createStore()
      Prepares and returns a new store object using this factory's configuration and storeName.
      void destroy()
      Performs final cleanup of the Called once during clean Correlator shutdown.
      int getBackupCopies()
      Retrieve the number of additional redundant nodes that will hold a backup copy of data.
      java.lang.String getClusterName()
      The provider specific clusterName which groups same named distributed stores together for communication and data sharing.
      boolean getEnforceApamaSchema()
      Retrieve whether Apama will create a special table to record the schema of each table and use it to prevent opening a table with a different Apama schema to the previously used schema.
      int getInitialMinClusterSize()
      Retrieve the number of nodes required to join the cluster before the Distributed MemoryStore will send the Finished event.
      java.lang.String getLogLevel()
      Get the log level that should be used (if possible) for the 3rd party provider's logging.
      boolean getRowChangedOldValueRequired()
      Retrieve whether subscribers should receive old values in RowChanged events.
      java.lang.String getStoreName()
      The unique storeName for this factory, specified by the id attribute in the configuration.
      void initializeProviderSystemProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String value)
      Helper method for setting the value of a JVM-wide system property which is required by this store.
      void setBackupCopies​(int backupCopies)
      The number of additional redundant nodes that should hold a backup copy of each key/value data element.
      void setBeanName​(java.lang.String storeName)
      Called by Spring to initialize the storeName using the id attribute in its configuration.
      void setClusterName​(java.lang.String clusterName)
      A provider-specific string used to group together distributed store nodes that communicate with each other and share data.
      void setEnforceApamaSchema​(boolean enforceApamaSchema)
      Set whether Apama will create a special table to record the schema of each table and use it to prevent opening a table with a different Apama schema to the previously used schema.
      void setInitialMinClusterSize​(int initialMinClusterSize)
      The minimum number of nodes that are required to join the cluster before the Distributed MemoryStore will send the Finished event.
      void setLogLevel​(java.lang.String providerLogLevel)
      The Apama log level at which this provider should log its own messages (not all providers will support this).
      void setRowChangedOldValueRequired​(boolean oldValueRequired)
      Set whether subscribers should receive old values in RowChanged events.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractStoreFactory

        public AbstractStoreFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • afterPropertiesSet

        public void afterPropertiesSet()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        Validates the configuration properties at the end of the initialization process. Called during Correlator startup, after the setter methods on this bean have been called for all properties that are set in the Spring configuration. This method is the recommended place to validate configuration properties, since any exception thrown from this method will prevent the Correlator from starting, indicating the problem straight away without waiting until some EPL tries and fails to prepare the store. Subclass implementations are strongly recommended to start by calling the AbstractStoreFactory superclass implementation of this method, which validates standard properties such as clusterName and backupCopies.
        Specified by:
        afterPropertiesSet in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
        See Also:
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
                     throws java.lang.Exception
        Performs final cleanup of the Called once during clean Correlator shutdown. This method can be overridden if required to free any resources (e.g. background threads) associated with this store factory - however best practice is to defer allocating any such resources until createStore is called, so this method should usually not be required.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
        See Also:
      • getStoreName

        public final java.lang.String getStoreName()
        The unique storeName for this factory, specified by the id attribute in the configuration.
        the unique storeName for this factory
      • setBeanName

        public final void setBeanName​(java.lang.String storeName)
        Called by Spring to initialize the storeName using the id attribute in its configuration. Internal only - do not call this method.
        Specified by:
        setBeanName in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware
        storeName - Set the bean name to that of the storeName
        See Also:
      • getClusterName

        public java.lang.String getClusterName()
        The provider specific clusterName which groups same named distributed stores together for communication and data sharing. It is recommended to confirm this property is set in afterPropertiesSet() AbstractStoreFactory implementations are responsible for calling this method in their createStore implementation and applying the specified value to the distributed cache.
        this stores clusterName
      • setClusterName

        public void setClusterName​(java.lang.String clusterName)
        A provider-specific string used to group together distributed store nodes that communicate with each other and share data. Stores with different clusterName values should operate independently. For some providers clusterName represents a multicast group name, or it could be a list of host:port servers used to locate the nodes forming a cluster, for others it could just be a display name with no impact on behaviour.
        clusterName - Set the clusterName to this
      • getLogLevel

        public java.lang.String getLogLevel()
        Get the log level that should be used (if possible) for the 3rd party provider's logging. AbstractStoreFactory implementations are responsible for calling this method and applying the value to the stores that they create.
        null if the default log level should be used (which is provider-specific), or else a string compatible with the Apama logger (conversion of empty strings to null and upper-casing of other strings is automatic, to simplify implementation).
        See Also:
      • setLogLevel

        public void setLogLevel​(java.lang.String providerLogLevel)
        The Apama log level at which this provider should log its own messages (not all providers will support this).
        providerLogLevel - Set the log level to this
        See Also:
      • getBackupCopies

        public int getBackupCopies()
        Retrieve the number of additional redundant nodes that will hold a backup copy of data. It is recommended to confirm this property is set in afterPropertiesSet() AbstractStoreFactory implementations are responsible for calling this method in their createStore implementation and applying the specified value to the distributed cache.
        the number of additional nodes with copies of data
      • setBackupCopies

        public void setBackupCopies​(int backupCopies)
        The number of additional redundant nodes that should hold a backup copy of each key/value data element. The minimum value for this property is 0 (indicating no redundancy). The default value is 1, indicating that all data should have one backup copy, i.e. all data will reside on 2 nodes. This value should override any backupCopies set in provider-specific configuration. Some providers may allow customizing the backup count on a per-table basis, in which case this property specifies an overridable default value for tables that do not specify it explicitly.
        backupCopies - Set the number of backup copies required to this
      • getInitialMinClusterSize

        public int getInitialMinClusterSize()
        Retrieve the number of nodes required to join the cluster before the Distributed MemoryStore will send the Finished event. AbstractStoreFactory implementations are not responsible for implementing and using this property, the Correlator takes care of applying the initialMinClusterSize.
        the number of nodes required to join before starting the Distributed Memory store
      • setInitialMinClusterSize

        public void setInitialMinClusterSize​(int initialMinClusterSize)
        The minimum number of nodes that are required to join the cluster before the Distributed MemoryStore will send the Finished event. The minimum value for this property is 1. The default value is 1.
        initialMinClusterSize - Set the initial minimum cluster size to this
      • setRowChangedOldValueRequired

        public void setRowChangedOldValueRequired​(boolean oldValueRequired)
        Set whether subscribers should receive old values in RowChanged events. If true (the default), then subscribers will include old values in RowChanged events. Not all providers support both settings; they may throw an exception if attempted to be configured with a setting that it cannot support.
      • getRowChangedOldValueRequired

        public boolean getRowChangedOldValueRequired()
        Retrieve whether subscribers should receive old values in RowChanged events. If true (the default), then subscribers will include old values in RowChanged events. Not all providers support both settings; they may throw an exception if attempted to be configured with a setting that it cannot support.
      • getEnforceApamaSchema

        public boolean getEnforceApamaSchema()
        Retrieve whether Apama will create a special table to record the schema of each table and use it to prevent opening a table with a different Apama schema to the previously used schema.
      • setEnforceApamaSchema

        public void setEnforceApamaSchema​(boolean enforceApamaSchema)
        Set whether Apama will create a special table to record the schema of each table and use it to prevent opening a table with a different Apama schema to the previously used schema. The default is to enable this checking, to provide early warning of unexpected version mismatch issues. Note that this check provides no protection against non-Apama processes adding data to the table that does not match the expected schema.
      • initializeProviderSystemProperty

        public void initializeProviderSystemProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                                     java.lang.String value)
        Helper method for setting the value of a JVM-wide system property which is required by this store. This method should be used in the createStore method implementation. This is the only recommended way to set standard system properties for a provider. It includes logging to make clear what is going on, and if the property was already set to a different value (explicitly by the user, or by another store) a warning is written to the log but the property is not changed.
        propertyName - the property to set
        value - the value to set the property to