Class MappableApamaEvent

  • public final class MappableApamaEvent
    extends java.lang.Object
    Holds an Apama event that is about to be mapped to a JMS message, or has just been mapped from a JMS message. This may also include an optional uniqueMessageId and messageSourceId for duplicate elimination (in support of EXACTLY_ONCE messaging; see documentation for more details).

    Threading: Immutable.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      MappableApamaEvent​(Event event, java.lang.String uniqueMessageId, java.lang.String messageSourceId)
      Create a MappableApamaEvent from an Event object.
      MappableApamaEvent​(java.lang.String eventString, java.lang.String uniqueMessageId, java.lang.String messageSourceId)
      Create a MappableApamaEvent from an event string.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MappableApamaEvent

        public MappableApamaEvent​(java.lang.String eventString,
                                  java.lang.String uniqueMessageId,
                                  java.lang.String messageSourceId)
        Create a MappableApamaEvent from an event string.
        eventString - Never null. Usually this will be generated by calling Event.getText().
        uniqueMessageId - An application-defined string uniquely identifying this message. May be null, if duplicate detection is not required.
        messageSourceId - An application-defined string uniquely identifying the process/component that sent the message, used to partition expiry of duplicate detection between message sources that could fail independently. Typically this would be a GUID set on a per-connection/per-process basis (or, optionally on a per-sender basis). May be null, if duplicate detection is not required or if this information is not available - although when dup detection is available it is strongly recommended that this is provided.
      • MappableApamaEvent

        public MappableApamaEvent​(Event event,
                                  java.lang.String uniqueMessageId,
                                  java.lang.String messageSourceId)
        Create a MappableApamaEvent from an Event object.
        event - An event object. Never null.
        uniqueMessageId - An application-defined string uniquely identifying this message. May be null, if duplicate detection is not required.
        messageSourceId - An application-defined string uniquely identifying the process/component that sent the message, used to partition expiry of duplicate detection between message sources that could fail independently. Typically this would be a GUID set on a per-connection/per-process basis (or, optionally on a per-sender basis). May be null, if duplicate detection is not required or if this information is not available - although when dup detection is available it is strongly recommended that this is provided.
    • Method Detail

      • getEventString

        public java.lang.String getEventString()
        The event string. Never null or empty.
      • getUniqueMessageId

        public java.lang.String getUniqueMessageId()
      • getMessageSourceId

        public java.lang.String getMessageSourceId()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object