Apama 10.15.1 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.15.0 | Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.15.0
Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.15.0
Apama 10.15.0 includes the following connectivity plug-ins enhancements:
HTTP client
*The HTTP client transport now supports executing multiple requests concurrently. This can be used to improve performance. To enable concurrency, a new configuration option called numClients is now available. New metadata items called metadata.concurrencyControlKey and metadata.concurrencyControlFlush on each request can now be used to control which requests can be executed concurrently. For detailed information, see Executing HTTP requests concurrently.
*The HTTP client transport now also supports a new queueSize metric which provides the current size of the client request queue in the HTTP transport. See also Monitoring status for the HTTP client.
Cumulocity IoT
*To improve performance, the Cumulocity IoT transport now sends requests to the Cumulocity IoT platform concurrently using multiple clients. New API and configuration options have been added to control this behavior. For a complete description of the new concurrency behavior and options to control it, see Optimizing requests to Cumulocity IoT with concurrent connections.
*The Cumulocity IoT transport now supports multi-tenant deployment. For this purpose, the following new configuration options are now available:
See also Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport and Working with multi-tenant deployments.
*The following new configuration properties, which correspond to existing configuration options in the YAML configuration file, are now available:
*CUMULOCITY_REQUEST_ALL_DEVICES (corresponds to requestAllDevices)
*CUMULOCITY_SUBSCRIBE_ALL_MEASUREMENTS (corresponds to subscribeToAllMeasurements)
*CUMULOCITY_SUBSCRIBE_DEVICES (corresponds to subscribeToDevices)
*CUMULOCITY_SUBSCRIBE_OPERATIONS (corresponds to subscribeToOperations)
It is recommended to use the new configuration properties instead of editing the YAML configuration file. See also Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport.