
Correlator crash spawning any.
A crash has been fixed spawning to a context an action variable closed over a type with string constants where the type was only referenced via an any and not statically in the spawning context.

Correlator crashes upon accessing management plug-in API.Due to a race condition it was possible for the correlator to crash during startup if EPL injection was performed using the initialization YAML configuration, and if that EPL invoked the management plug-in’s Component.getInfo() action. This issue is now resolved.

Correlator abort in debugProgressLocalsGetFn/toStringGraph while debugging.
An issue causing a crash when inspecting uninitialized optional values in the correlator debugger was found. This issue has now been resolved.

Permanent split brain in clustered queries due to the primary key optimization.
A bug was fixed in which the contents of an Apama queries window could diverge between correlators that were executing Apama queries in a cluster. This data divergence would only usually occur if the injection order of the Apama queries differed between correlators. Since this fix will change how some data is stored in the underlying data store, if you were running queries prior to the fix installation, there may be a loss of temporary in-process data after the fix is applied. For proper Apama query results, all correlators in the cluster must have the fix applied.

LLVM caching does not take primitive constants into account as dependencies.
EPL that uses only primitive constants in the event type is not counted as depending on that event type and that breaks the LLVM caching. This issue has been fixed. Now data-only events are counted as dependent on whatever uses them.

Occasionally lose a few lines or crash during log rotation.
The issue has been fixed whereby in some cases, it was possible for the correlator to lose a few lines or, in extreme cases, crash during log rotation.

Correlator crash on Linux when logging bumps up against disk limits.
When the correlator cannot log due to disk limits, the correlator will now attempt to log a helpful error message and call immediate exit instead of crashing.

Correlator crash in interpreter for unmatched switch case.
In some cases, it was possible for the correlator to crash if an EPL exception were thrown during switch statement execution.
This issue has been fixed.