Analytics Builder 10.16.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Monitoring and Configuration | Monitoring | Monitoring the model life-cycle
Monitoring the model life-cycle
Life-cycle messages are written to the correlator log whenever a model is created or removed, or when it fails. The log messages may look as follows:
Model "Build Pipeline" with PRODUCTION mode has started.
Model "Build Pipeline" with PRODUCTION mode has ended.
Model "Build Pipeline" with PRODUCTION mode has failed with an error:
IllegalArgumentException - Error while validating parameters for the
block "toggle" of type "apama.analyticskit.blocks.core.Toggle":
The "Set Delay" must be finite and positive: -1.
Deploying a model can combine existing models or chains to form a new chain. The formation of a chain may take a while to complete as it may combine multiple existing models and chains. Activation messages are written to the correlator log whenever the activation of a chain is started and completed. For example:
Analytics Builder chain of models "Model 1", "Model 2", "Model 3" is being activated.
Analytics Builder chain of models "Model 1", "Model 2", "Model 3" has been activated.
See Accessing the correlator log for information on where to find the correlator log.