Web Sessions 4.3.6 | Web Sessions User Guide | Using Web Sessions | Common Issues
Common Issues
The following sections summarize common issues than can be encountered when clustering Web Sessions.
Sessions Time Out Unexpectedly
Sessions that are set to expire after a certain time instead seem to expire at unexpected times, and sooner than expected. This problem can occur when sessions hop between nodes that do not have the same system time. A node that receives a request for a session that originated on a different node still checks local time to validate the session, not the time on the original node. Adding the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to all nodes can help avoid system-time drift. However, note that having nodes set to different time zones can cause this problem, even with NTP.
This problem can also cause sessions to time out later than expected, although this variation can have many other causes.
Changes Not Replicated
Terracotta Web Sessions must run in serialization mode. In serialization mode, sessions are clustered, and your application must follow the standard servlet convention on using setAttribute() for mutable objects in replicated sessions.
Deadlocks When Session Locking Is Enabled
In some containers or frameworks, it is possible to see deadlocks when session locking is in effect. This happens when an external request is made from inside the locked session to access that same session. This type of request fails because the session is locked.
Events Not Received on Node
Most Servlet spec-defined events will work with Terracotta clustering, but the events are generated on the node where they occur. For example, if a session is created on one node and destroyed on a second node, the event is received on the second node, not on the first node.

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