Web Sessions 4.3.6 | Terracotta REST Developer Guide | Specifications for HTTP Operations | Examples of URIs | OPTIONS
Retrieves the WADL describing all of the operations available on the specified resources.
The following OPTIONS examples are organized by task and URI. Examples executed against standalone nodes show a base URI ending in "/tc-management-api/", while those executed against a TMS have a base URI ending in "/tmc/api/".
Return WADL With Available Agent Operations
The following is an example of a WADL returned by an embedded agent:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<application xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
<doc xmlns:jersey="http://jersey.java.net/"
jersey:generatedBy="Jersey: 1.9.1
09/14/2011 02:05 PM"/>
<resources base="http://localhost:9888/tc-management-api/">
<resource path="agents">
<method name="GET" id="getAgents">
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<resource path="/info">
<method name="GET" id="getAgentsMetadata">
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
Return WADL With Available CacheManager "Config" Operations
OPTIONS using /configs:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<application xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
<doc xmlns:jersey="http://jersey.java.net/"
jersey:generatedBy="Jersey: 1.9.1 09/14/2011 02:05 PM"/>
<resources base="http://localhost:9888/tc-management-api/">
<resource path="agents/cacheManagers/configs">
<method name="GET" id="getCacheManagerConfig">
<representation mediaType="application/xml"/>
Return a WADL With Available Operations on a Specific Cache
Returns information on the cache "bar" from all CacheManagers "foo" and "goo" on any agent reachable by the TMS:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<application xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
<doc xmlns:jersey="http://jersey.java.net/"
jersey:generatedBy="Jersey: 1.9.1 09/14/2011 02:05 PM"/>
<resources base="http://localhost:9889/api/">
<resource path="agents/cacheManagers;names=foo,goo/caches;names=bar">
<method name="GET" id="getCaches">
<representation mediaType="application/json"/>
<method name="DELETE" id="deleteCache"/>
<resource path="/statistics">
<method name="DELETE" id="wipeStatistics"/>
For information from specific agents, specify the agent ID:
Returns a WADL, as shown above, but with more detailed resource locations (and more caches).
Used with an embedded web service, this URI returns information for the specified caches found on that agent only.

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