BigMemory 4.3.6 | Product Documentation | BigMemory Max Administrator Guide | Using Command Central to Manage Terracotta | Commands that Terracotta Supports
Commands that Terracotta Supports
Terracotta supports the Command Central CLI (command line interface) commands listed in the following table. In cases where there is Terracotta-specific information, the table lists where you can learn more about arguments and options that Terracotta supports or details about the actions Terracotta takes when you execute an exec command.
CLI Commands
Additional Information
sagcc get configuration data
For Terracotta-specific information about configuration types, see Configuration Types that Terracotta Supports.
sagcc get configuration instances
sagcc list configuration instances
sagcc get configuration types
sagcc list configuration types
sagcc get diagnostic logs
sagcc get monitoring
sagcc get inventory components
sagcc list inventory components
sagcc exec lifecycle
For Terracotta-specific information about using this command, see Lifecycle Actions for Terracotta.
For information about Command Central CLI commands, see the Command Central Help.