BigMemory 4.3.6 | Product Documentation | BigMemory Max Administrator Guide | Terracotta Configuration Parameters | The Servers Parameters | /tc:tc-config/servers/dataStorage
This configuration block includes the required offheap element, as well as the optional hybrid element.
*The minimum <offheap> required for non-hybrid deployments, distributed caching and other applications is 4GB to be configured for each server.
The minimum <offheap> required for webMethods clustering in hybrid mode is 2GB. In case there are any custom caches created on the same Terracotta Server Array, then 4GB becomes the minimum requirement.
*<dataStorage> specifies the maximum amount of data to store on each server, and represents the hybrid sum of off-heap DRAM plus flash SSD.
*<hybrid/>, if included, enables the Hybrid option.
Here is a sample configuration snippet:
<dataStorage size="800g">
<offheap size="200g"/>
If the hybrid element is present, then dataStorage size may exceed offheap size, however if the hybrid element is not present, then the dataStorage size must be less than or equal to the offheap size.