BigMemory 4.3.6 | Product Documentation | BigMemory Max Administrator Guide | Operational Scripts | Cluster Thread and State Dumps (debug-tool, cluster-dump)
Cluster Thread and State Dumps (debug-tool, cluster-dump)
The cluster and thread- and state-dump debug tools provide a way to easily generate debugging information that can be analyzed locally or forwarded to support personnel. These tools work against the Terracotta Management Server that is monitoring the target Terracotta cluster. All components must be running at the time a tool is used.
*debug-tool generates thread dumps for all nodes in the cluster, with each node's dump saved its log file. A flag is available for saving the thread dumps to a single zip file.
*cluster-dump provides a similar service, but adds each node's state, including information on locks. Note that these tools can generate a substantial amount of data.
Server utility scripts do not work when a server is starting up or when a server is in the process of recovering using the Fast Restart feature.
For more information on operating these tools, run the associated script with the -h flag. For example:
For Microsoft Windows:
[PROMPT] %BIGMEMORY_HOME%\tools\management-console\bin\debug-tool.bat -h
For UNIX/Linux:
[PROMPT] ${BIGMEMORY_HOME}/tools/management-console/bin/ -h