BigMemory 4.3.6 | Product Documentation | Terracotta Management Console User Guide | Setting up Security | Available Security Levels
Available Security Levels
The Terracotta Management Server (TMS) includes a flexible, multi-level security architecture to easily integrate into a variety of environments.
The following levels of security are available:
*No Security: No authentication, and no or limited secured connections. For additional details, see No Security.
*Default Security: Default role-based user authentication only. This is built in and setup when you first connect to the TMS, and is intended to control access to the TMS. For additional details, see Default Security.
Standard LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory integration is also available. For information about using LDAP or Active Directory, see Setting up LDAP or Active Directory Authorization.
*Basic Connection Security: Authentication and authorization of BigMemory Go and BigMemory Max nodes (referred to as agents or managed agents in this context), as well as message hashing and other protective measures. For additional details, see Basic Connection Security.
Secured connections based on Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology can be used in conjunction with basic security. For information about using SSL, see Adding SSL.
*Certificate-Based Client Authentication: Enhances SSL-based security. In this case, basic security is disabled. For additional details, see Certificate-Based Client Authentication.
With the noted exceptions, these security layers can be used together to provide the overall level of security required by your environment.
This document discusses security from the perspective of the TMS. However, the TMS and the Terracotta Management Console (TMC) function in the same security context.