Installation using the Software AG Installer
You can install your licensed Terracotta BigMemory software using the Software AG Installer. The Software AG Installer is a generic tool for installing Software AG products. The availability of this alternative may depend on your product licensing options.
Terracotta is typically distributed as part of a product bundle, so when you run the Software AG Installer, you will be able to select the appropriate bundle. From the bundle you can select individual products, including Terracotta.
Refer to the separate documentation for the Software AG Installer for details of the installation. The documentation for the Software AG Installer is summarized in the following section.
Overview of the Documentation for using the Software AG Installer
For the installation using the Software AG Installer, refer to the following documents:
Using the Software AG InstallerThis document describes how to use the Software AG Installer tool. The usage of the Software AG Installer is the same for all products, so the documentation of the Software AG Installer does not refer explicitly to Terracotta.
To access the document Using the Software AG Installer, do the following:
1. Log in to the Software AG documentation web site at, using the Empower login ID and password that you have received by email when you licensed the product.
2. Select the link for the Software AG Installer.
3. The selected page lists several versions of the installer documentation, each shown with a release date. Select the version of the installer documentation that corresponds to the release date of the Software AG Installer you are using. The release date of the Software AG Installer is generally included in the file name of the downloaded executable file. You can also find the release date of the Software AG Installer by clicking the "About" link when you run the Software AG Installer.
Installing Software AG ProductsThis document contains specific installation information about many Software AG products, including Terracotta.
The most recent version of the document Installing Software AG Products is available in the documentation web site using the following URL:
Upgrading Software AG ProductsIf you are upgrading from a previous product version, refer also to this document. This document contains information about how to upgrade an existing Software AG product version to a new version.
The most recent version of the document Upgrading Software AG Products is available in the documentation web site using the following URL:
If you need to access versions of the documents Installing Software AG Products and Upgrading Software AG Products for previous product releases, proceed as follows:
2. Navigate to the webMethods Product Suite, then select the Suite version number that matches the Terracotta version number.
3. Select the link that deals with installation topics.
System Requirements
For a list of supported operating systems and web browsers, as well as information about the JDK delivered with your licensed product, refer to the document Software AG System Requirements that is available in the Software AG documentation web site.
To access this document, do the following:
1. Log in to the Software AG documentation web site, as described above.
2. Navigate to the Terracotta overview page, then select the link for your licensed Terracotta version.
The document is available in the list of documentation titles.
Specifying a different JDK/JRE Location
The installation of BigMemory Max, when performed using the Software AG Installer, includes the installation of a version of the JDK.
If you already have a JDK installed, you can change the BigMemory Max configuration to use your own installed JDK/JRE.
The JDK/JRE used by BigMemory Max is configured in the setup configuration file (namely setenv.bat or, depending on your operating system) in the location <SAGInstallerDirectory>/Terracotta/server/bin, where <SAGInstallerDirectory> is the root directory of the Software AG products that you selected when running the Software AG Installer.
By default, the BigMemory Max configuration file looks for the existence of the suite-wide setenv.bat or configuration file, which is located in <SAGInstallerDirectory>/install/bin, and if it finds the suite-wide configuration file, executes it. The suite-wide configuration file sets up the environment variables JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME to point to the JVM that is installed with the Software AG Installer.
If you wish to use your own settings for JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME, proceed as follows:
1. Open the BigMemory Max configuration file in a text editor.
2. Comment out the lines that find and execute the suite-wide configuration file.
3. Replace the commented-out lines with your own local definitions for JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME.
4. Save and close the file.
5. Stop and restart BigMemory Max.
Even if you use your own JDK/JRE, you should NOT remove the JDK that is installed with BigMemory Max; this JDK is required to run the Software AG Uninstaller, regardless of any other JDK/JRE you use.