BigMemory 4.3.6 | Product Documentation | BigMemory Max Administrator Guide | Clearing Data from a Terracotta Server | How to Clear Data from a Terracotta Server
How to Clear Data from a Terracotta Server
After a Terracotta server is restarted, under certain circumstances it will retain artifacts from previous runs and its data directory must be manually cleared. These circumstances include running with Fast Restartability disabled and BigMemory Hybrid enabled. This may also be the source of errors during "split brain" resolution or during a mirror server restart.
By default, the number of copies of a server's objectdb data that are retained is unlimited. Over time, and with frequent restarts, these copies may consume a substantial amount of disk space. You can manually delete these files, which are saved in the server's data directory under /dirty-objectdb-backup/dirty-objectdb-<timestamp>. You can also set a limit for the number of backups by adding the following element to the Terracotta configuration file's <tc-properties> block:
<property name="l2.nha.dirtydb.rolling" value="<myValue>" />
where <myValue> is an integer.
If you have Fast Restartability disabled and BigMemory Hybrid enabled, you can also automatically remove the older data before server shutdown by setting the property l2.nha.dirtydb.autoDelete to true. It is important to note that a backup copy will still be made in the configured /dirty-objectdb-backup folder prior to the most recent "working" data being deleted. This can potentially consume all available disk space. If you want to disable the creation of backups altogether, you can set the property l2.nha.dirtydb.backup.enabled to false.