Security for REST API usage without TMC
When issuing HTTP requests that are not through the Terracotta Management Console, every request must include two security headers, OWASP_CSRFTOKEN and X-Requested-With.
The value of OWASP_CSRFTOKEN is dynamic, and is found in the header of each response from the TMS.
The value of X-Requested-With is static, and is always equal to OWASP CSRFGuard Project.
When doing a POST, DELETE, or PUT request on the TMS REST API, these two HTTP headers are required, for example:
DELETE http://localhost:9889/tc-management-api/v2/agents;
X-Requested-With: OWASP CSRFGuard Project
In the example above, OWASP_CSRFTOKEN: M9DI-BUMD-2PPK-C45I-T6QM-ZTBE-WKKK-YT8M is from the latest response received from the TMS.
For more information about the CSRFGuard Project, refer to the
Open Web Application Security Project site.