Connections Errors
Connection Refused
Problem: An attempt to add a connection to a managed agent is rejected.
Cause: The agent is unreachable or not running.
Solution: Check the following:

The URI in the connection setup is correct.

The network connection to the node running the agent is working.

The agent process is running on the expected node.
404 Connection Not Found
Problem: An attempt to add a connection returns a 404 status code.
Cause: The URI used in the connection setup is incorrect or malformed.
Solution: Check the following:

The URI in the connection setup is correct.

The port used in the URI is correct (by default: 9888 for BigMemory Go, 9540 for BigMemory Max).
"A message body reader for Java class... was not found"
Problem: An attempt to add a connection causes the exception "A message body reader for Java class java.util.Collection, and Java type java.util.Collection, and MIME media type unknown/unknown was not found"
Cause: The URI used in the connection setup is incorrect or malformed.
Solution: Check the following:

The URI in the connection setup is correct.

The port used in the URI is correct (by default: 9888 for BigMemory Go, 9540 for BigMemory Max).
Connection Timed Out
Problem: An attempt to add a connection fails because the TMS has failed to reach the agent within the timeout limit.
Cause: The agent is unreachable or not running.
Solution: Check the following:

The URI in the connection setup is correct.

The network connection to the node running the agent is working.

The agent process is running on the expected node.
Unexpected End of File From Server
Problem: An attempt to add a connection fails with an EOF error.
Cause: An unsecure connection is being attempted but the agent is set up to use SSL.
Solution: Ensure that the URI is using "https://" not "http://."
"Unrecognized SSL Message, plaintext connection?"
Problem: An attempt to add a connection fails with the error "Unrecognized SSL Message, plaintext connection?".
Cause: A secure connection is being attempted but the agent is not set up to use SSL.
Solution: Ensure that the URI is using "http://" not "https://", or set up SSL on the agent.
Missing Keychain Entry
Problem: An attempt to add a connection fails with the error "Missing keychain entry for URL <agent-url>".
Cause: A connection is being attempted to an agent with identity assertion, but the TMS keychain cannot find that agent's entry.
Solution: Add an entry for the agent using the add-tc-agent script (see
Setting up Security).
401 Unauthorized
Problem 1: An attempt to add a connection to an agent configured with identity assertion returns a 401 status code.
Cause: The agent's public key cannot be found in the TMS truststore.
Solution: Import the agent's public key into the TMS truststore (see
Setting up Security).
Problem 2: An attempt to add a connection to an agent configured with identity assertion over SSL returns a 401 status code. Errors containing unknown_certificate or
PKIX path building failed:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
appear in the agent log and TMS log (see
Logged SSL Connection Errors).
Cause: The TMS public key cannot be found in the agent's truststore.
Solution: Import the TMS public key into the agent's truststore (see
Setting up Security).