BigMemory Go 4.3.4 | Product Documentation | BigMemory Go Developer Guide | Searching with BigMemory SQL | SQL Syntax and Examples | Dates
BigMemory SQL can parse two date types:
*the java.util.Date cast by the date keyword
*its subclass, java.sql.Date, which is cast using the sqldate keyword
BigMemory SQL can parse the following common formats of date and time strings:
'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS z'
'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss z'
Formats which are supported by ISO 8601 but not by BigMemory SQL are:
*DD omission (YYYY-MM)
*Week Date formats (YYYY-Www-D)
*Ordinal dates (YYYY-DDD)
*Durations (e.g., P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S)
*Time intervals (e.g., 2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z)
Examples of Dates
select * from Person where dateOfBirth = (date)'2012-12-01T10:10:20'
select * from Person where dateOfBirth = (date)'2012-12-01'
select * from Person where dateOfBirth = (date)'2012-12-01T10:22'
select * from Person where dateOfBirth = (date)'2012-12-01T10:10:22.433 EST'

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