BigMemory Go 4.3.4 | Product Documentation | Terracotta Management Console User Guide | Using the Application Data Tab | Overview Panel
Overview Panel
The Overview panel displays health metrics for CacheManagers and their caches, including certain cache statistics to help you track performance and resource usage across all CacheManagers.
Real-time statistics are displayed in a table with the following columns:
*Hit Ratio- The ratio of cache hits to get attempts. A ratio of 1.00 means that all requested data was obtained from the cache (every put was a hit). A low ratio (closer to 0.00) implies a higher number of misses that result in more faulting in of data from outside the cache.
*Hit Rate - The number of cache hits per second. An effective cache shows a high number of hits relative to misses.
*Local Disk Hit Rate - The fault rate (data faulted in from the local disk).
*Local Heap Hit Rate - The rate of local (in-heap) hits (no faulting).
*OffHeap Hit Rate - The rate of local (off-heap) memory hits. Available only when off-heap memory is configured.
*Miss Rate - The number of cache misses per second. An effective cache shows a high number of hits relative to misses.
*Local Disk Miss Rate - The fault rate (data faulted in from remote source).
*Local Heap Miss Rate - The rate of local (in-heap) misses (causing faulting).
*OffHeap Miss Rate - The rate of local (off-heap) memory misses (causing faulting). Available only when off-heap memory is configured.
*Size - Overall data size (in entries).
*Local Heap Size - Overall data size (in entries) in the local heap.
*Local Disk Size - Overall data size (in entries) on the local disk.
*Local OffHeap Size - Overall data size (in entries) in local memory (off-heap). Available only when off-heap memory is configured.
*Local Heap Bytes - Overall data size (in bytes) in the local heap.
*Local Disk Bytes - Overall data size (in bytes) on the local disk.
*Local OffHeap Bytes - Overall data size (in bytes) in local memory (off-heap). Available only when off-heap memory is configured.
*Average Get Time - The average time for executing a get operation.
*Average Search Time - The Average Search Time graph displays how long each search operation takes (as well as the current values for that search time). This graph indicates how quickly cache searches are being performed. You might notice a correlation between how long searches are taking (Average Search Time) and how many searches are executed (Search Rate).
*Search Rate - The search-rate graph displays how many searches per second are being executed (as well as the current values for that rate). This graph provides a view into how many cache searches are being performed. You might notice a correlation between how long searches are taking (Average Search Time) and how many searches are executed (Search Rate).
*Put Rate - The number of cache puts executed per second. The number of puts always equals or exceeds the number of misses. This is because every miss leads to a put and updates are counted as puts. Efficient caches have a low overall put rate.
*Remove Rate - The rate of element eviction.
*Update Rate - The number of updates per second to elements in the cache. A high number of updates implies a high eviction rate or rapidly changing data.
*Expiration Rate - The number of elements per second reaching expiration in the cache. Expired elements are not automatically evicted.
*Eviction Rate - The number of elements being evicted per second from the cache. Evicted elements are expired or evicted according to a usage algorithm when size limits are exceeded.
*Transaction Rollback Rate- A Java Transaction API (JTA) graph that displays the rollback rate (as well as the current values for that rate) for transactional caches.
*Transaction Commit Rate- A JTA graph that displays the transaction commit rate (as well as the current values for that rate) for transactional caches.
*Writer Queue Length - The Write-Behind graph displays the total number of writes in the write-behind queue or queues (blue line), as well as the current value.
To choose the types of statistics displayed in the table, click Configure Columns to open a list of available statistics. Choose statistics (or set the option to display all statistics), then click OK to accept the change. The table immediately begins to display the chosen statistics.
To sort the table by a specific statistic, click the column head for that statistic.

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