BigMemory Max 4.3.3 | Component Documentation | WAN Replication User Guide | Monitoring and Managing WAN Replication | Overview of Monitoring and Managing WAN Replication
Overview of Monitoring and Managing WAN Replication
Terracotta enables you to monitor information about the following aspects of the WAN Replication Service:
*Your WAN's topology and configuration.
In addition, Terracotta issues topology event alerts when a replica cache connects to or disconnects from a master cache.
*Each WAN-enabled cache, including performance statistics and details of their deployment, such as conflicts and status. Terracotta gathers statistics from all Orchestrators and displays them for each cache.
There are two ways to connect to the WAN Replication Service for monitoring:
*Connect via JMX. Terracotta exposes JMX MBeans to gather the statistics. You can use any JMX monitoring application such as JConsole or VisualVM to view the statistics.
*Connect via the REST APIs that Terracotta provides.
Note: This monitoring capability is enabled by default for each Orchestrator. If you want to disable the monitoring capability, set the monitoringEnabled parameter to false in each Orchestrator's wan-config.xml file. See Orchestrator Configuration Parameters.

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