BigMemory Max 4.3.3 | Product Documentation | BigMemory Max Developer Guide | Cache Event Listeners | Running Multiple Listeners on Separate Nodes
Running Multiple Listeners on Separate Nodes
The following is an example of running multiple event listeners on separate nodes.
If a listener B in one node is listening for an event generated by the action of listener A on another node, it will fail to receive an event unless listener A performs the action in a different thread.
For example, if listener A detects a put into cache A and in turn puts an element into cache B, then listener B should receive an event (if it is correctly registered to cache B). However, with the following code, listener B would fail to receive the event generated by the put:
// This method is within listener A
public void notifyElementPut(...) {
The following code allows listener B to receive the event:
// This method is within listener A
public void notifyElementPut(...) {
executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run()

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