BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Product Documentation | Big Memory Max Administrator Guide | Using Command Central to Manage Terracotta | Run-time Monitoring Statuses for Terracotta
Run-time Monitoring Statuses for Terracotta
The following table lists the run-time statuses that the Terracotta run-time component can return in response to the sagcc get monitoring runtimestatus and sagcc get monitoring state commands, along with the meaning of each run-time status.
Run-time Status
The server is not running.
The server is running and is the master in its stripe.
The server is running and is a slave (mirror) in its stripe.
The server was running, but crashed. A possible reason for this failure is that the server did not find the correct license.
The server is running, but is not responding on the specified ports. A possible reason for this failure is that the server did not find the correct license.

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