BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Component Documentation | Cross-Language Clients User Guide | Security | Security for the BigMemory Client
Security for the BigMemory Client
Security for the BigMemory Client
1. Provide the client keychain with an entry for the keystore location, for example:
..\..\tools\security\bin\keychain.bat keys/l1keychain.key
2. Add self-signed certificates to the truststore.
a. Add the client certificate.
b. Add the truststore.
To add the client certificate for Windows:
1. Open the Start menu, click Run, and enter "certmgr.msc".
2. In the new window, expand the "Personal" folder and right click on the "Certificates" folder.
3. Select "All Tasks->Import...".
4. Follow the instructions and import the client certificate, SelfSignedCert.crt.
To add the truststore for Windows:
1. Open the Start menu, click Run, and enter "certmgr.msc".
2. In the new window, expand the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" folder and right-click the "Certificates" folder.
3. Select "All Tasks->Import...".
4. Follow the instructions and import the truststore, SelfSignedCert.crt.

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